Why I'm good at what I do:

I have a superpower for giving people confidence.

I love creating art with and about people. Media is more than just output, creating together is an experience I want to share with people. Since media has so much to do with how we look and sound on camera it's really important to me to give confidence and energy to the people I work with during the process.

I know investing and entrepreneurship better than any other artist.

Before I was any good with a camera I was a banker, underwriter, and investor. I've bought millions in real estate assets, I've raised millions from private investors that created wealth for other people, and I've worked with some of the biggest names in real estate entrepreneurship. You can work with any camera operator but no one is going to be able to help you create a narrative that speaks to your investors or partners as well as I can because no other camera operator has as much experience as me in that world.

Before the camera

I spent ~30 years being broke as fuck and I hated it. Everyone hates being broke.

Before my creative journey began, I went on a financial freedom journey

I went flat broke to financially free in about 10 years, mostly through real estate, and I've shared every step along the way in thorough transparency because I want others to do the same. Everything I've learned and done can be found HERE for FREE. I SELL NOTHING

Alexander Felice and Miss Kate

Who else?

I am married to my Miss Kate and we moved to in Austin Texas in Spring 2024

I am an ENTP, Enneagram 8, contrarian, life long deadlifter, Tool superfan, I have a huge bookshelf of dense economics, history, and philosophy by long dead authors and I host a weekly book club for those seeking wisdom, I'm a hyper extrovert.

The most fulfilling things I do are sharing my gifts and favorite things in the world with other people - Cameras, Books, and bringing people together